Laboratory Services
The laboratory is functional from 8.00 am to Noon from Monday to Saturday.
The family Health Centre is backed up by a fully-equiped laboratory whereby all blood, urine, stools and seminal fluid analysis are being performed. The laboratory along with the FHC also the VCT – Voluntary Counseling and Testing HIV I-II (AIDS) in absolute CONFIDENTIALITY.
- Fasting blood sugar Cortisol
- Lipids profile FSH
- Liver Function Test LH
- Urea/Creatine Thyroid function test
- Electrolytes Oestradiol
- Iron Prolactin
- t.protein/albumin/globulin PSA
- Uric acid, etc...
- Full blood count VDRL/TPHA
- ESR Hepatitis B, C & A
- Haemoglobin Toxoplasma Antibodies
- Coagulation profile Rubella Antibodies
- Blood group ANA
- Bleeding time CRP
- R.Factors, etc...
- Urine, Stools, Blood HbA1C
- Swabs, CSF etc.. 24 hrs. urine: creatine
- For Microscopy, Cultures protein & antibigram. Urea clearance
- Creat. Clearance
- Microalbumin
- H.Pylori
- Urine Sugar/ Albumin
- Seminal fluid analysis (sperm count)
- Vaginal Wet Smear
Cervical smear. (PAP’S SMEAR)