Camp du Roi Youth Centre
The Global Fund for Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria finances programs through the national legal entities (governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations) with who concludes grant agreements. These entities are named hereinafter Principal Recipient (PR).

For each grant, the CCM nominates one or more public or private organizations to serve as PR. The PR is legally responsible for local implementation of the grant, including oversight of sub-recipients of grant funds and communications with the CCM on grant progress. The PR also works with the Global Fund Secretariat to develop a two-year grant agreement that sets program results to be achieved over time.
Over the course of the grant agreement, the PR requests additional disbursements based on demonstrated progress towards these intended results. This performance-based system of grant-making is key to the Global Fund’s commitment to results.
Do you want to be part of "Youth Action Movement"? or Do you want to participate in our youth program course?
The Principal Recipient has the following primary responsibilities.
I. Implementation of Grant Agreements:
- Sign the Global Fund grant agreements and contracts with SRs and supervise their performance in line with the implementation plan
- Implement Global Fund Programs under the guidance of the CCM;
- Propose major changes to Global Fund Project work plans, implementation plans and funding allocations to the Working Group for discussion and endorsement before submission to the CCM plenary for approval and then submission to the Global Fund;
- Propose minor changes to Global Fund Project work plans, implementation plans and funding allocations to the Working Group for approval before submission to the Global Fund;
- Publish on its website a list of all organizations in China who receive funds from China Global Fund grants, including the amount of funds.

II. Report Progress to CCM and Global Fund:
- Report progress against program objectives and indicators on every Global Fund project to the CCM on a six monthly basis;
- Report key issues to the CCM for guidance when necessary;
- Provide the CCM and the CCM Working Groups with all progress and financial reports sent to the Local Fund Agent and the Global Fund Secretariat;
- Submit six-monthly reports to the Working Groups for advice and comment;
III. Support CCM functions when appropriate:
- Attend and participate in Working Group meetings as necessary;
- The PR should assist and support, if requested by working groups, the annual independent assessment by the Working Group and CCM members, including site visits;
- Carry out other responsibilities as requested by the CCM;
- Assist with the Global Fund phase II renewal application process;
- At relevant national meetings (for example the China – International Conference on Cooperation on HIV and AIDS) the Global Fund PR will aim to organize events to publicize the work supported by the Global Fund in China through meetings, presentations and seminars.

Current Principal Recipient:
The Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association (MFPWA) was appointed by Mauritius Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM), GFATM as the Principal Recipient (PR) for the Civil Society in Mauritius. Delegated by Mauritius CCM, it takes the responsibility of management and implementation to the programs accepted and approved by GFATM.