Client's Right
To learn about the benefits and availability of family planning.
To obtain services regardless of sex, creed, colour, marital status, age, religious or political beliefs, ethnicity or disability.
To decide freely on whether and how to control their fertility and which method to use.

To be able to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, disease and from violence.
To have a private environment during counselling and services.
To be assured that any personal information will remain confidential.
To be treated with respect, empathy, courtesy, consideration and attentiveness.
To feel comfortable when obtaining services.

To receive sexual and reproductive health services and supplies for as long as needed.
To freely express views on the services provided.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Right Charter
- The Right to Information and Education
- The Right to Freedom of Thought
- The Right to Liberty
- The Right to Freedom of Assembly and Political Participation
- The Right to Health Care and Health Protection
- The Right to Decide Whether or When to Have Children
- The Right to Life
- The Right to be Free from Torture and Ill Treatment
- The Right to Privacy
- The Right to Choose Whether or Not to Marry and to Found and Plan a Family
- The Right to Equality
Services Provided
Any breach of confidentiality will be regarded as gross misconduct. To be credible and to secure cost-efficiency, effectiveness, equity and excellence will be the underlying values guiding the service providers.
Service Providers will be responsible for ensuring that:
- The Mission Statements of MFPWA and the IPPF, in terms of standards and practices, are adhered to
- Only services that are available at the Centre or under the auspices of the MFPWA are offered
- Clients are made aware of the full variety of contraceptive options in order to help them make an informed choice
- Complex cases that are not catered for by the MFPWA are referred to the public health hospitals or other medical facilities according to the preference of the patient
- They understand the nature of services available at the Clinic
- They continually identify their training needs and request through line management that these needs are met
Service Providers will be responsible for ensuring that:
- They maintain and develop their personal awareness of Information, Education, Counselling and Medical services that constitute the service delivery portfolio.
- They ensure the constant provision of a personalised service
- They promote the MFPWA Clinic as a One Stop Shop
- They identify and suggest, through the appropriate management structure, improvements to service delivery in order to maintain and improve the high quality of service provision
- They put into practice skills and knowledge acquired and ensures that these skills are implemented in the best interests of the client and the Association.