About Us
MFPWA is the leading NGO in Mauritius, promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Services.
It has existed since 1957 and has gathered over time; experience, competence and expertise.
Recipient of the UN Population Award in 1990 and the Most Outstanding NGO in Mauritius in 2000 and 2005; MFPWA is regarded as a model replication for many regions.

Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association, a Member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region, is the Leading Non-Governmental Organisation in the Field of Family Planning. It is Committed to the Promotion of Social Justice, Gender Equity, the Advancement of the Rights of the Individual and Family to Free and Informed Choice Regarding the Number and Spacing of Children and Contraception and to Preparing Young People for Healthy Attitudes and Behaviour. It will achieve These Goals Through Advocacy, Information, Networking and Demonstration of Quality Care Services

A Mauritian society where every individual enjoys full sexual and reproductive health and rights and where SRH information and services are available, acccessible and affordable to all, irrespective of sex, age and creed.
Do you want to be part of "Youth Action Movement"? or Do you want to participate in our youth program course?
Committed to and aspiring to be the leader in the provision of quality sexual and reproductive health. Care to all segments of the Mauritian society through various strategies including education and counseling, networking, research, training, advocacy, demonstration of the best practices and provision of clinical services.
Core Values
MFPWA is a democratic organization - based on volunteer activism and leadership in the pursuit of its mission.
Human Rights
MFPWA believes in SRH rights as a basic human right - that sexual and reproductive health is integral to an individual’s physical, mental and social well being.
Gender Equality
MFPWA is committed to gender equality- particularly elimination of the discrimination which threatens individual well-being and leads to the widespread violation of health and human rights, particularly those of young women.
MFPWA values diversity - and accordingly emphasizes the participation of young people, women and people living with HIV/AIDS in our governance and in our Programs.
MFPWA believes in partnership - working in partnership with communities, governments, other organizations and donors.
MFPWA believes in accountability and transparency – The Association considers reporting to its donors, clients and stakeholders and volunteers
concerned on the financing, achievements and implementation of its programmes and service delivery.
Serve the poor
MFPWA is committed to serve the poor and the vulnerable groups in society – The MA regards service to the poor is service to humanity.