For more than twenty years through the provision of child daycare as well as family planning services.
MFPWA Objectives
The objects of the Association shall be to:

- promote awareness on planned parenthood with a view to maintaining the fertility rate at a reasonable level;
- promote family welfare, healthy ageing, good health and social integration through effective family planning services by addressing the need for sexual and reproductive health and rights in the community through information, education and advocacy; and
- work for the advancement of the rights of women, men and young persons with a view to enabling them to make free and informed choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Our Partners
The Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association wishes to place on record its deep appreciation and thanks to the following stakeholders and partners with whom it has established strong collaborative links for the promotion for the promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and for the attainment of its objectives.

International Stakeholders
International Planned Parenthood Federation The Global Fund for HIV/AIDS U.N.F.P.A U.N.A.I.D.S World Health Organization The European Union.
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List of Donors
International Planned Parenthood Federation Ministry of Health & Quality of Life, Government of Mauritius Ministry of Women’s Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare & Consumer Protection, Government of Mauritius Global Fund for HIV AIDS.

National Stakeholders
Prime Minister’s Office Ministry of Health & Quality of Life Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development & Family Welfare Ministry of Education Ministry of Youth & Sports Ministry of Social Security, National solidarity and Senior Citizen’s Welfare Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Land Transport & Shipping The Mauritius Police Force Ministry of Tourism & Leisure Ministry of Local Government Rodrigues Regional Assembly Municipality of Port-Louis Mauritius Institute of Health MACOSS NATReSA Mauritius Alliance of Women Government Teachers’ Union Mauritius Labour Congress Hans Bio-Medical Laboratory APEIM Mauritius Duty Free Paradise Co.Ltd Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile Ltée Chamarel Cosmetics Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Ecole Hotelière Sir Gaëtan Duval Link to Life National AIDS Secretariat Moore Stephens Legendary Technologies Radio Plus Radio One Top FM Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation.