
FLE Task Force

Teacher and Community Work Training



Promoting Youth Friendly Services for the Youth Empowerment & Responsible Behaviour

Through the support from the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, projects are being set up and aiming to promote the Sexual and Reproductive Health of the youth and adolescents by organizing and performing sexuality education for in and out of schools youth. Such need has urgently been felt owing to the increasing prevalence of teenage pregnancy and increasing rate of Sexually Transmitted Infections among the younger generation.

Consequently, the Family Life Education Task Force (FLE Task Force) are being constantly reinforced with new members whereby training facilities were available to them which will in turn allowed the trained members to conduct the concerning sessions among the students on a voluntary basis. Students from the the Primary Schools and the Secondary Schools from different regions of the country are being constantly targeted to carry out the educational sessions.

  • Sex Education for Out of School Adolescents and Young People

    The aim of this activity is to increase access towards the youngsters and sensitize them concerning comprehensive SRH youth and sensitive information, education and services. The education sessions and counseling sessions are held in Youth Centres, Community Centres and Rehabilitation Youth Centres. Besides, IEC and BCC sessions are also conducted for young workers in Textile Industries and hotel.

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    Mainstream Gender in SRH being monitores by the Women Advisory Panel

    The Women Advisory Panel aimed at providing SRH information, counseling and SRH services to men and women in deprived areas of Mauritius and to promote male participation and involvement in family welfare and to improve marital relationships. Health education campaigns are also held in Women’s Centres, Women’s Association, Trade Unions and Social Welfare Centres to promote understanding sexual behaviours that reduces the risks for contracting STIs and HIV. The MFPWA networked with the Ministry of Women’s Rights for the implementation of these actions.

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    Men As Partner project (MAP)

    Men’s participation in family welfare is crucial for the attainment of gender equality and women empowerment in society. To promote this platform of an enabling environment for male participation in reproductive health, the MFPWA implemented the ‘Men As Partners Project’ funded by the Ministry of Gender Equality which aims at promoting men’s responsibility and participation within the family and the community so as to encourage the effective empowerment of women and the enhancement of quality of life of the family. People are being reached by the means of training sessions, educational sessions, counseling and the medical sessions as well as by organizing Entertain-To-Educate activities.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, enim agam ignota ne est. Vidisse propriae no mea. Quo ocurreret intellegam ex.

Aim of Project

Such initiative: Is a gender-sensitive programme, based on community involvement, which aims at partnership building, and fosters on concerted effort for the attainment of the highest level of family harmony and happiness. Responds to the global demand and also the local need to raise awareness and enhance male participation and involvement in all matters related to Women Empowerment and family Welfare.



There is a growing understanding in the international community of the role of Gender as a fundamental influence; along with decision making power, access to education and earning power. Men play a critical role in women's ability to seek care and enhance their status. It must be conceded that the world is still patriarchal and even in some of the most developed regions of the world; men still remain the sole decision maker on all matters related to family welfare and women well-being. However, men are often uninformed or misinformed about essential needs of women, and this constitutes very serious inhibiting factors at women development and empowerment.

In Mauritius, through the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development & Family Welfare much has been undertaken in terms of law reforms to protect the interest of women and also to promote their status. However, as in many parts of the world, patriarchy dominates and it has been observed that programme aiming at enhancing women status is the gender stereotypes and male attitude but which fortunately is decreasing. No gender sensitive programme will succeed without male participation and involvement.